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(in a slanting direction)

  • 1 obliquely

    1) (in a slanting direction) schräg
    2) (fig.): (indirectly) indirekt [sich beziehen, antworten]
    * * *
    adverb schief
    * * *
    [ə(ʊ)ˈbli:kli, AM oʊ-]
    1. (indirectly) versteckt, indirekt
    2. (at an oblique angle) schief
    * * *
    * * *
    2) (fig.): (indirectly) indirekt [sich beziehen, antworten]
    * * *
    schräg adv.

    English-german dictionary > obliquely

  • 2 גרם

    גָּרַם(v. גרר) to drag along, carry with it.Part. pass. גָּרוּם added in boot, additional measure, v. גֵּירוּמִין.אַמָּה גְּרוּמָה a large cubit. Gen. R. s. 12 (read:) כאמה ג׳ the size of a liberal cubit (equal to a cubit and a half of strict measure; some ed. גד׳; vers. in ‘Rashi a. l. גרמידא ומחצה).Y.Shek.VI, end, 50b אמה גרו׳, read גְּדוּמָה, v. גָּדַם. Tosef.Bekh.V, 4 אצבעותיו גרומות Var., ed. Zuck. גְּדוּמֹות.Trnsf. to carry with it, to be the cause of, to engender. דבר הגֹּורֵם לממון something which may be the cause of pecuniary profit or loss. B. Kam.71b if one steals objects dedicated to the sanctuary for which the original owner is responsible in case of loss, he is bound to pay the thiefs fine (כֵּפֶל) to the owner; אלמא דבר הג׳ למ׳ כממון דמי which proves that that which may cause a pecuniary loss, is to be considered as the property of him to whom it may cause it. Ib. 98b according to the opinion of R. Shimeon who says דבר הגורם … מיחייב that what is the cause of monetary gain is considered as money, he who burns a note of indebtedness is bound to pay the full amount of the note; a. fr.Snh.104a גורם גלות לבניו causes his children to be exiled. Ber.5b bot. ג׳ לשכינהוכ׳ is the cause of the Divine Presence departing from Israel. M. Kat. 25a בבל גָּרְמָה לו Babylonia was the cause (that the Shekhinah did not rest upon him). Ab. Zar.8b bot. המקום גורם the place makes the act legal, i. e. only in the Temple hall can the Sanhedrin judge capital cases; Snh.14b המקום ג׳ only in the Temple hall can a rebellious el der be judged; ib. 87a.Y.Yeb.I, 2c top דבר שהוא בא מחמת הגורםוכ׳ if a prohibition arises from a cause (a person that causes it, e. g. the prohibition against C.s marrying B. because B.s sister A. is his wife)when the cause is removed (through A.s death), the prohibition ceases; but a prohibition which has not its cause in the action of a person (but in natural kinship, e. g. C.s daughter married to C.s brother whereby she becomes forbidden to him also as his brothers wife), is not removed with the removal of the cause of the (additional) prohibition, i. e. C. cannot perform the levirs marriage with his brothers wife since she has not ceased to be his daughter; ib. III, beg., 4c; IV, 6a top. זה וזה גורם a product of combined causes. Tem.30b זה וזה ג׳ אסור a product of combined causes is forbidden, e. g. the offspring of a dam unfitted for the altar, and of a sire fit; Pes.27a; a. fr.Ib. 26b זה וזה ג׳ מי שמעת ליה can you prove that Rabbi adopts the rule forbidding the product of combined causes?Nidd.31a (homiletical play on Gen. 49:14) חמור ג׳ ליששכר the braying of an ass was the cause of Isachar being begotten; Gen. R. s. 99; v. next w. Pi. גֵּירֵם same. Gen. R. s. 39 הדרך מְגָרֶמֶתוכ׳ traveling is the cause of three evils. Nif. נִגְרָם to be indirectly engendered. Ab. Zar.55b אסור לִיגָּרֵםוכ׳ no assistance must be given to making unclean Hif. הִגְרִים to leave a comb (גֵּרוּם) in striking a measure off, whence (in ritual slaughtering) to cut in a slanting direction, to let the knife slide beyond the space prescribed for cutting. Ḥull.19a; 20a; a. fr.Part. pass. f. מוּגְרֶמֶת an animal slaughtered by a slanting cut. Ib. 18b; a. fr.Denom. הַגְרָמָה.

    Jewish literature > גרם

  • 3 גָּרַם

    גָּרַם(v. גרר) to drag along, carry with it.Part. pass. גָּרוּם added in boot, additional measure, v. גֵּירוּמִין.אַמָּה גְּרוּמָה a large cubit. Gen. R. s. 12 (read:) כאמה ג׳ the size of a liberal cubit (equal to a cubit and a half of strict measure; some ed. גד׳; vers. in ‘Rashi a. l. גרמידא ומחצה).Y.Shek.VI, end, 50b אמה גרו׳, read גְּדוּמָה, v. גָּדַם. Tosef.Bekh.V, 4 אצבעותיו גרומות Var., ed. Zuck. גְּדוּמֹות.Trnsf. to carry with it, to be the cause of, to engender. דבר הגֹּורֵם לממון something which may be the cause of pecuniary profit or loss. B. Kam.71b if one steals objects dedicated to the sanctuary for which the original owner is responsible in case of loss, he is bound to pay the thiefs fine (כֵּפֶל) to the owner; אלמא דבר הג׳ למ׳ כממון דמי which proves that that which may cause a pecuniary loss, is to be considered as the property of him to whom it may cause it. Ib. 98b according to the opinion of R. Shimeon who says דבר הגורם … מיחייב that what is the cause of monetary gain is considered as money, he who burns a note of indebtedness is bound to pay the full amount of the note; a. fr.Snh.104a גורם גלות לבניו causes his children to be exiled. Ber.5b bot. ג׳ לשכינהוכ׳ is the cause of the Divine Presence departing from Israel. M. Kat. 25a בבל גָּרְמָה לו Babylonia was the cause (that the Shekhinah did not rest upon him). Ab. Zar.8b bot. המקום גורם the place makes the act legal, i. e. only in the Temple hall can the Sanhedrin judge capital cases; Snh.14b המקום ג׳ only in the Temple hall can a rebellious el der be judged; ib. 87a.Y.Yeb.I, 2c top דבר שהוא בא מחמת הגורםוכ׳ if a prohibition arises from a cause (a person that causes it, e. g. the prohibition against C.s marrying B. because B.s sister A. is his wife)when the cause is removed (through A.s death), the prohibition ceases; but a prohibition which has not its cause in the action of a person (but in natural kinship, e. g. C.s daughter married to C.s brother whereby she becomes forbidden to him also as his brothers wife), is not removed with the removal of the cause of the (additional) prohibition, i. e. C. cannot perform the levirs marriage with his brothers wife since she has not ceased to be his daughter; ib. III, beg., 4c; IV, 6a top. זה וזה גורם a product of combined causes. Tem.30b זה וזה ג׳ אסור a product of combined causes is forbidden, e. g. the offspring of a dam unfitted for the altar, and of a sire fit; Pes.27a; a. fr.Ib. 26b זה וזה ג׳ מי שמעת ליה can you prove that Rabbi adopts the rule forbidding the product of combined causes?Nidd.31a (homiletical play on Gen. 49:14) חמור ג׳ ליששכר the braying of an ass was the cause of Isachar being begotten; Gen. R. s. 99; v. next w. Pi. גֵּירֵם same. Gen. R. s. 39 הדרך מְגָרֶמֶתוכ׳ traveling is the cause of three evils. Nif. נִגְרָם to be indirectly engendered. Ab. Zar.55b אסור לִיגָּרֵםוכ׳ no assistance must be given to making unclean Hif. הִגְרִים to leave a comb (גֵּרוּם) in striking a measure off, whence (in ritual slaughtering) to cut in a slanting direction, to let the knife slide beyond the space prescribed for cutting. Ḥull.19a; 20a; a. fr.Part. pass. f. מוּגְרֶמֶת an animal slaughtered by a slanting cut. Ib. 18b; a. fr.Denom. הַגְרָמָה.

    Jewish literature > גָּרַם

  • 4 dìr

    va. ascend, ascend in a straight direction, as opposed to fiar = ascend in a slanting direction

    Gaelic-English dictionary > dìr

  • 5 Soumak Rug

    All-wool tapestry rugs woven in Transcaucasia. They are made in loose weave and from coarse dyed yarns in geometrical designs. They are also called Kashmir, but the rugs are not of the Cashmere quality of wool. They are made in small and large sizes. The knots are tied in a slanting direction with alternate rows in a reverse direction causing the underside of the rug to have a herring-bone effect. Two rows of tufts are knotted for the insertion of two ground picks. The term is a corrupted form of Shemaka, which town is a weaving centre.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Soumak Rug

  • 6 παρεγκλιτικώς

    in a slanting direction: adverbial

    Morphologia Graeca > παρεγκλιτικώς

  • 7 παρεγκλιτικῶς

    in a slanting direction: adverbial

    Morphologia Graeca > παρεγκλιτικῶς

  • 8 기울어져서

    adv. slantwise, at an angle, in a slanting direction

    Korean-English dictionary > 기울어져서

  • 9 obliquitas

    oblīquĭtas, ātis, f. [obliquus], a sidelong or slanting direction, obliqueness, obliquity (post-Aug.), Plin. 3, 5, 6, § 40: sigui [p. 1237] feri, id. 2, 19, 17, § 81.—
    Transf., ambiguity:


    Prisc. 1137 P.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > obliquitas

  • 10 Sloping

    When beetling cloth it frequently happens that the selvedge and the adjacent cloth has not received the same amount of beetling as the rest. To overcome this difficulty, the cloth is wound on the beam in a slanting direction, called " sloping."

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Sloping

  • 11 παρεγκλιτικός

    II Adv. - κῶς symbolically, Tz.Proll.Com. 2.10 p.27 Kaib.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > παρεγκλιτικός

  • 12 הגרמה

    הַגְרָמָהf. (גָּרַם Hif.) cutting the animals throat in a slanting direction, letting the knife slide beyond the space ritually designated for cutting. Ḥull.9a. Ib. 27a; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > הגרמה

  • 13 הַגְרָמָה

    הַגְרָמָהf. (גָּרַם Hif.) cutting the animals throat in a slanting direction, letting the knife slide beyond the space ritually designated for cutting. Ḥull.9a. Ib. 27a; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > הַגְרָמָה

  • 14 slant

    1. verb
    (to be, lie etc at an angle, away from a vertical or horizontal position or line; to slope: The house is very old and all the floors and ceilings slant a little.) inclinar

    2. noun
    (a sloping line or direction: The roof has a steep slant.) inclinación, declive
    slant vb inclinarse
    1 (gen) inclinación nombre femenino; (slope) declive nombre masculino, pendiente nombre femenino
    2 (point of view) enfoque nombre masculino, punto de vista, perspectiva; (bias) sesgo
    1 (slope) inclinar
    2 figurative use (news, report, etc) enfocar subjetivamente, presentar tendenciosamente
    1 (slope) inclinarse
    on a slant / on the slant inclinado,-a
    slant ['slænt] vi
    : inclinarse, ladearse
    slant vt
    1) slope: inclinar
    2) angle: sesgar, orientar, dirigir
    a story slanted towards youth: un artículo dirigido a los jóvenes
    1) incline: inclinación f
    2) perspective: perspectiva f, enfoque m
    inclinación s.f.
    sesgo s.m.
    inclinar v.
    sesgar v.
    slænt, slɑːnt
    1) u ( slope) inclinación f; (of roof, floor) pendiente f

    on a o the slant — inclinado

    2) c ( point of view) enfoque m; ( bias) sesgo m

    a) \<\<handwriting\>\> inclinarse
    b) slanting pres p <roof/handwriting> inclinado; < eyes> rasgado

    vt \<\<account/report\>\> darle* un sesgo a; ( give bias to) presentar tendenciosamente
    1. N
    1) (gen) inclinación f, sesgo m ; (=slope) pendiente f, cuesta f

    to be on the slant — estar inclinado, estar sesgado

    2) (fig) (=point of view) punto m de vista, interpretación f

    what is your slant on this? — ¿cuál es su punto de vista sobre esto?, ¿cómo interpreta usted esto?

    VT inclinar, sesgar

    to slant a report — (fig) enfocar una cuestión de manera parcial

    VI inclinarse, sesgarse
    * * *
    [slænt, slɑːnt]
    1) u ( slope) inclinación f; (of roof, floor) pendiente f

    on a o the slant — inclinado

    2) c ( point of view) enfoque m; ( bias) sesgo m

    a) \<\<handwriting\>\> inclinarse
    b) slanting pres p <roof/handwriting> inclinado; < eyes> rasgado

    vt \<\<account/report\>\> darle* un sesgo a; ( give bias to) presentar tendenciosamente

    English-spanish dictionary > slant

  • 15 slant

    1. verb
    (to be, lie etc at an angle, away from a vertical or horizontal position or line; to slope: The house is very old and all the floors and ceilings slant a little.) hælde
    2. noun
    (a sloping line or direction: The roof has a steep slant.) hældning
    * * *
    1. verb
    (to be, lie etc at an angle, away from a vertical or horizontal position or line; to slope: The house is very old and all the floors and ceilings slant a little.) hælde
    2. noun
    (a sloping line or direction: The roof has a steep slant.) hældning

    English-Danish dictionary > slant

  • 16 sesgo

    1 slant.
    2 course, path (rumbo).
    3 bias.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: sesgar.
    * * *
    2 figurado (curso) slant, turn
    al sesgo COSTURA on the bias
    tomar un sesgo favorable / tomar un sesgo desfavorable figurado to take a turn for the better / take a turn for the worse
    * * *
    1) (=inclinación) slant
    2) (=torcimiento) warp, twist
    3) (Cos) bias
    4) (Téc) bevel
    5) (=dirección) direction
    6) * (=truco) dodge *
    * * *
    a) ( de falda) bias
    b) ( diagonal)

    al sesgo — crosswise, diagonally

    2) (tendencia, enfoque) bias, slant; ( rumbo) direction
    * * *
    = bent, bias [biases, -pl.], skewness, skew, taint, tilt, slant.
    Ex. This factor was a constant theme especially in those programmes with a highly technical bent.
    Ex. The place of publication may also warn of biases in approach or differences in terminology that arise in the text.
    Ex. This skewness implies that there will always be a large fraction of uncited publications.
    Ex. The results shows that the new algorithm performs better than existing algorithms for a wide degree of skew.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'The classification of literature in the Dewey Decimal Classification: the primacy of language and the taint of colonialism' = El artículo se titula "La clasificación de la literatura en la Clasificación Decimal de Dewey: la primacía del lenguaje y el daño del colonialismo".
    Ex. This has contributed to a tilt toward English-language publications in Web of Science.
    Ex. The 7th edition of CC is due to appear in 1971, and Ranganathan has given an extensive preview in an article in Library Science with a slant to documentation, cited at the end of this chapter.
    * sesgo de género = gender bias.
    * * *
    a) ( de falda) bias
    b) ( diagonal)

    al sesgo — crosswise, diagonally

    2) (tendencia, enfoque) bias, slant; ( rumbo) direction
    * * *
    = bent, bias [biases, -pl.], skewness, skew, taint, tilt, slant.

    Ex: This factor was a constant theme especially in those programmes with a highly technical bent.

    Ex: The place of publication may also warn of biases in approach or differences in terminology that arise in the text.
    Ex: This skewness implies that there will always be a large fraction of uncited publications.
    Ex: The results shows that the new algorithm performs better than existing algorithms for a wide degree of skew.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'The classification of literature in the Dewey Decimal Classification: the primacy of language and the taint of colonialism' = El artículo se titula "La clasificación de la literatura en la Clasificación Decimal de Dewey: la primacía del lenguaje y el daño del colonialismo".
    Ex: This has contributed to a tilt toward English-language publications in Web of Science.
    Ex: The 7th edition of CC is due to appear in 1971, and Ranganathan has given an extensive preview in an article in Library Science with a slant to documentation, cited at the end of this chapter.
    * sesgo de género = gender bias.

    * * *
    se corta al sesgo you cut it on the bias
    (diagonal): al sesgo crosswise, diagonally
    1 (tendencia, enfoque) bias, slant
    la conferencia tuvo un sesgo marcadamente político the lecture had a markedly political slant o bias, the lecture was markedly political
    2 (rumbo) direction
    no me gusta el sesgo que está tomando el asunto I don't like the direction this is taking o the way this is going
    * * *

    Del verbo sesgar: ( conjugate sesgar)

    sesgo es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    sesgó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    sesgar verbo transitivo
    1 (cortar en diagonal) to cut on the bias
    (poner en diagonal) to slant
    2 (un punto de vista, una opinión) to slant
    sesgo sustantivo masculino
    1 (cariz, rumbo) turn
    2 (enfoque) slant
    ' sesgo' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    sesgo nm
    1. [oblicuidad] slant;
    al sesgo [en diagonal] on a slant;
    [costura] on the bias
    2. [rumbo] course, path;
    preocupa el sesgo que está tomando el conflicto the conflict has taken a worrying turn
    * * *
    m fig
    * * *
    sesgo nm
    : bias

    Spanish-English dictionary > sesgo

  • 17 slant

    1. verb
    (to be, lie etc at an angle, away from a vertical or horizontal position or line; to slope: The house is very old and all the floors and ceilings slant a little.) skrå, helle
    2. noun
    (a sloping line or direction: The roof has a steep slant.) skråning, helling
    subst. \/slɑːnt\/
    1) skråning, skrå vinkel
    2) vinkling, synsvinkel
    3) ( hverdagslig) blikk
    on the slant på skrå, på tvers, på snei
    verb \/slɑːnt\/
    1) skråne, gå på skrå
    2) tilpasse (på en negativ måte), fremstille skjevt, farge
    adj. \/slɑːnt\/
    ( poetisk) seslanting

    English-Norwegian dictionary > slant

  • 18 slant

    1. intransitive verb
    [Fläche:] sich neigen; [Linie:] schräg verlaufen
    2. transitive verb
    1) abschrägen; schräg zeichnen [Linie]
    2) (fig.): (bias) [so] hinbiegen (ugs.) [Meldung, Bemerkung]
    3. noun
    1) Schräge, die

    be on a or the slant — schräg sein

    2) (fig.): (bias) Tendenz, die; Färbung, die

    have a left-wing slant[Bericht:] links gefärbt sein

    * * *
    1. verb
    (to be, lie etc at an angle, away from a vertical or horizontal position or line; to slope: The house is very old and all the floors and ceilings slant a little.) sich neigen
    2. noun
    (a sloping line or direction: The roof has a steep slant.) die Schräge
    - academic.ru/67831/slanting">slanting
    * * *
    [slɑ:nt, AM slænt]
    I. vi sich akk neigen
    the evening sun \slanted through the narrow window die Abendsonne fiel schräg durch das schmale Fenster ein
    to \slant to the right/outwards/down sich akk nach rechts/vornüber/nach unten neigen
    II. vt
    1. (make diagonal)
    to \slant sth etw ausrichten
    to \slant sth to the right/left etw nach rechts/links ausrichten
    she \slants her letters to the left/right sie schreibt nach links/rechts
    2. (present for)
    to \slant sth etw zuschneiden
    we can \slant this in such a way as to make it more interesting to children wir können es so gestalten, dass es interessanter für Kinder ist; ( pej: in biased way) etw zurechtbiegen fig fam
    to \slant a report einen Bericht frisieren fam
    III. n
    1. (slope) Neigung f
    to have a \slant eine Schräge haben, abgeschrägt sein
    the kitchen floor has a distinct \slant towards the outer wall der Küchenboden fällt zur Außenwand hin deutlich ab
    to be on the [or at a] \slant sich akk neigen, schräg sein
    2. (perspective) Tendenz f
    we gave the story an environmentalist \slant wir gaben der Geschichte einen umweltbewussten Anstrich
    a political \slant eine politische Orientierung
    to have a right-wing \slant newspaper, information rechtsgerichtet sein
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Neigung f, Schräge f

    to be on a slant — sich neigen, schräg sein

    his handwriting has a definite slant to the right/left — er schreibt stark nach rechts/links

    2) (fig: bias, leaning) Tendenz f, Neigung f; (of newspaper article) Anstrich m
    3) (TYP: slash) Schrägstrich m
    2. vt
    verschieben; report färben
    3. vi
    (road) sich neigen
    * * *
    slant [slɑːnt; US slænt]
    A s
    1. Schräge f, schräge Fläche oder Richtung oder Linie:
    at ( oder on) a slant schräg, schief
    2. Abhang m
    3. a) Tendenz f, Färbung f
    b) Einstellung f, Sicht f, Gesichtspunkt m:
    you have a wrong slant on the problem du siehst das Problem ganz falsch
    4. US umg (schneller) Blick
    5. SCHIFF (leichte oder kurze) Brise
    B adj (adv slantly)
    1. schräg, schief
    2. fig einseitig, beeinflusst
    C v/i
    1. a) schräg oder schief liegen
    b) sich neigen, kippen
    2. fig tendieren (toward[s] zu etwas hin)
    D v/t
    1. schräg legen, kippen:
    slanted schräg, schief
    2. eine Nachricht etc färben, frisieren, eine Tendenz geben (dat)
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb
    [Fläche:] sich neigen; [Linie:] schräg verlaufen
    2. transitive verb
    1) abschrägen; schräg zeichnen [Linie]
    2) (fig.): (bias) [so] hinbiegen (ugs.) [Meldung, Bemerkung]
    3. noun
    1) Schräge, die

    be on a or the slant — schräg sein

    2) (fig.): (bias) Tendenz, die; Färbung, die

    have a left-wing slant[Bericht:] links gefärbt sein

    * * *
    Neigung -en (Gestalt) f.
    Schrägfläche f. v.
    abschrägen v.
    schiefstellen v.

    English-german dictionary > slant

  • 19 slope

    1. noun
    1) (slant) Neigung, die; (of river) Gefälle, das

    the roof was at a slope of 45° — das Dach hatte eine Neigung von 45°

    be on a or the slope — geneigt sein

    2) (slanting ground) Hang, der
    3) (Skiing) Piste, die
    2. intransitive verb
    (slant) sich neigen; [Wand, Mauer:] schief sein; [Boden, Garten:] abschüssig sein

    slope upwards/downwards — [Straße:] ansteigen/abfallen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/91733/slope_away">slope away
    * * *
    [sləup] 1. noun
    1) (a position or direction that is neither level nor upright; an upward or downward slant: The floor is on a slight slope.) die Neigung
    2) (a surface with one end higher than the other: The house stands on a gentle slope.) der Hang
    2. verb
    (to be in a position which is neither level nor upright: The field slopes towards the road.) sich neigen
    * * *
    [sləʊp, AM sloʊp]
    I. n
    1. (hill) Hang m
    a steep \slope ein steiler Hang
    the southern \slopes of the Alps die südlichen Hänge/die Südseite der Alpen
    ski \slope Skipiste f
    2. no pl (angle) Neigung f
    \slope of a roof Dachschräge f
    a 30° \slope eine 30°-Neigung
    to be at a \slope eine Schräge haben
    is that shelf supposed to be at a \slope? hängt das Regal extra so schief?
    3. MATH (on graph) Gefälle nt
    4. MIL
    to hold a rifle at the \slope ein Gewehr geschultert haben
    5. AM, AUS (pej! sl: Asian person) Schlitzauge nt pej fam
    II. vi
    1. (incline/decline) ground abfallen; roof geneigt sein
    to \slope down/up abfallen/ansteigen
    2. (lean) sich akk neigen
    to \slope to the right/left/forwards/backwards sich akk nach rechts/links/vorne/hinten neigen
    my handwriting \slopes to the left ich schreibe nach links
    III. vt
    1. (make sloping)
    to \slope sth roof, path etw schräg anlegen
    2. MIL
    to \slope arms Gewehre schultern
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= angle) Neigung f; (esp downwards) Gefälle nt; (of roof) Schräge f
    2) (= sloping ground) (Ab)hang m

    on a slopeam Hang

    halfway up the slope —

    there is a slope down to the townes fällt zur Stadt hin ab

    he broke his leg on the ( ski) slopes — er hat sich das Bein auf der Piste gebrochen

    3) (MIL)

    with his rifle at the slopemit geschultertem Gewehr

    2. vt
    neigen, schräg (an)legen
    3. vi
    1) (writing) geneigt sein; (road, garden, floor, roof, ground) sich neigen

    the picture is sloping to the left/right — das Bild hängt schief

    his handwriting slopes to the left/backwards — seine Handschrift ist nach links/nach hinten geneigt

    2) (inf: move casually) schlendern (inf)
    * * *
    slope [sləʊp]
    A s
    1. (Ab)Hang m
    2. Böschung f
    3. a) Neigung f, Gefälle n
    b) Schräge f, geneigte Ebene:
    at the slope MIL mit Gewehr über;
    on the slope schräg, abfallend
    4. GEOL Senke f
    5. MATH Richtungskoeffizient m
    6. Bergbau: schräger Stollen
    B v/i
    1. sich neigen, (schräg) abfallen
    2. umg
    a) auch slope off Br abhauen
    b) auch slope about ( oder around) herumschlendern
    C v/t
    1. neigen, senken
    2. abschrägen ( auch TECH)
    3. (ab)böschen
    4. MIL das Gewehr übernehmen: arm2 Bes Redew
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (slant) Neigung, die; (of river) Gefälle, das

    the roof was at a slope of 45° — das Dach hatte eine Neigung von 45°

    be on a or the slope — geneigt sein

    2) (slanting ground) Hang, der
    3) (Skiing) Piste, die
    2. intransitive verb
    (slant) sich neigen; [Wand, Mauer:] schief sein; [Boden, Garten:] abschüssig sein

    slope upwards/downwards — [Straße:] ansteigen/abfallen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Abhang -¨e m.
    Hang ¨-e m.
    Neigung -en (Gestalt) f.
    Steigung -en (Mathematik) f. v.
    abschrägen v.

    English-german dictionary > slope

  • 20 STANDA

    * * *
    (stend; stóð, stóðum; staðinn), v.
    1) to stand, opp. to sitja or liggja (hann stóð við vegginn);
    koma standandi niðr, to come down on one’s feet;
    skal mik niðr setja standanda, in a standing position;
    standa fast, to stand fast;
    standa höllum fœti, to stand slanting;
    2) to stand, stick (G. skaut svá fast niðr skildinum, at hann stóð fastr í jörðunni);
    sveininum stóð fiskbein í hálsi, the bone stuck in his throat;
    3) to stand, remain;
    borð stóðu, stood, were not removed;
    4) to stand, be situated (bœr einn stóð skamt frá þeim);
    5) to stand still, rest, pause (stóð þá kyrrt nökkura hríð);
    verðr hér fyrst at standa sagan, the story must stop here for the present;
    6) to last (hafði lengi staðit bardaginn);
    7) to befit, become (konungr kvað þat eigi standa, at menn lægi svá);
    ekki stendr þér slíkt, it does not befit thee;
    8) to stand in a certain way, project, trend (fjögur horn ok stóðu fagrt, hit þriðja stóð í lopt upp);
    stendr inn straumrinn, the tide (current) stands in;
    blóðbogi stóð ór hvárutveggja eyranu, a stream of blood gushed out of both his ears;
    kallar hann betr standa veðrit at fara landhallt, that the wind stands better for making land;
    stóð vindr af landi, the wind blew from the land;
    standa grunnt, to be shallow (vinátta okkur stendr grunnt);
    standa grunn, to stick on the ground (örkin stóð grunn);
    10) to catch, overtake (hann drap menn Eiríks konungs, hvar sem hann stóð þá);
    standa e-n at e-u, to catch one doing a thing (ef maðr verðr at því staðinn, at hann meiðir smala manna);
    11) to stand, endure, bear (standa e-t or e-u);
    12) to press, urge, trouble (elli stóð Hárek);
    hvat stendr þik, what ails thee?
    13) to weigh so much (gullhringr, er stóð mörk);
    14) to stand by one, side with one, with dat.;
    mikils er vert, hversu fast N. stendr þér um alla ráðagerð, how close N. stands by thee in all counsel;
    15) with preps.:
    standa af e-u, to proceed from, be caused by (opt stendr illt af kvenna hjali);
    vil ok ek eigi, at af mér standi brigð okkarrar vináttu, nor do I wish to be the cause of a breach in our friendship;
    standa af e-u við e-n, to give up, cede to one;
    impers., segir hann honum, hvernig af stóð um ferð hans, how the matter stood as to his journey;
    standa at e-m, to attack (var við sjálft, at þeir mundu standa at prestinum);
    to stand by one, on one’s side (ek veit eigi víst, hvaðan G. inn ríki stendr at);
    standa á e-u, to stand on, insist on (statt ei á því, er þér er bannat);
    impers., stendr á illu einu með þeim, they are on very bad terms;
    standa á e-m, to hang over one (sú skóggangssök, er á þér stendr); to refer to (þat heilræði stóð upp á þenna sama sendiboða);
    standa eptir, to remain, be left;
    standa fyrir e-u, to stand in the way of (þeir kváðu geip hennar ekki skyldu standa fyrir þingreið þeira);
    standa e-m fyrir þrifum, to stand in the way of one’s thriving;
    to stand before one, protect one (vér skulum Egil af lífi taka, en hlífa engum, er fyrir honum vill standa);
    standa hjá e-m, to stand by one, assist one;
    standa í e-u, to be engaged in, busied with (standa í bardögum, einvígum, málum, kvánbœnum);
    impers., stendr í deilu með þeim, there is a quarrel between them;
    standa móti (á móti, í móti) e-u, to stand against;
    standa saman, to stand together, be gathered, amassed (þar stóð auðr mikill saman);
    standa til e-s, to tend towards;
    standa til umbótar, to stand for mending, need it;
    sem bœn yður stendr til, as your prayer tends to;
    eptir þeim efnum, sem honum þœtti til standa, according to the merits of the case;
    eptir því sem lög stóðu til, as the law was (taka þeir allir við bótum, sem lög stóðu til);
    impers., stendr til e-s, it is to be expected, feared (til langra meina mun standa, ef);
    standa e-m til e-s, to assist, help one (B. segir, hversu Ó. hafði honum til staðit);
    standa undan, to be lacking (mikit stendr undan við hann í vinfenginu);
    standa vel undir e-t, to support well, back it up well (munu margir vel undir þat standa);
    standa undir e-m, to be in one’s possession, keeping (féit stendr undir honum);
    standa upp, to stand up from a seat (þá stóð S. upp ok mælti hátt); to rise from bed (standa upp ok klæðast); to be left standing (fimm einir menn stóðu upp á skipinu);
    standa uppi, to be left standing (K. hinn auðgi flýði ok allt lið hans, þat er uppi stóð; hús þau, er uppi stóðu);
    to be laid up ashore, of a ship (stigu þeir á skip þat, er þar hafði uppi staðit um vetrinn);
    of a corpse, to lie on the bier (lík Kjartans stóð uppi í viku í Hjarðarholti);
    of a bow, to be kept bent (boginn má eigi einart uppi standa);
    standa við e-u, to withstand (víkingar svá harðfengir, at ekki stendr við);
    impers., stendr við e-t, it is on the verge of (þeir áttu svá harða leika, at við meiðingar stóð);
    standa yfir e-u, to be present at (heldr vildi hann þenna kjósa en standa yfir drápi Þorgils frænda síns); to extend (þar er þeira ríki stendr yfir);
    standa yfir, to stand over, last (hversu lengi skal fjárbón sjá yfir standa?);
    í þessum griðum ok svardögum, sem yfir standa, which now stand, are in force;
    16) refl., standast.
    * * *
    pres. stend, stendr, stöndum, standit, standa; pret. stóð, stótt, stóttú (mod. stóðst, stóðstú), stóð, pl. stóðum; subj. stæði; imperat. statt, stattú (cp. stand-þú); part. staðinn; pret. infin. stóðu = stelisse, Fms. vi. (in a verse); a medial form, pres. stöndumk (= stat mihi), Fm. 1. Kormak; pret. stóðumk (= stabant mihi), Hm. 106: with neg. suff. stóð-k-at, Fas. iii. 22 (in a verse). [Common to all Indo-Germ. languages.]
    A. To stand; þó at hann gangi eðr standi áðr, Grág. ii. 95; hann stóð við vegginn, … stóð á víxl fótunum, Sturl. ii. 158; standa höllum fæti, Nj. 97; koma standandi niðr, to come down standing (after a leap), 85, Grág. ii. 110; skal mik niðr setja standanda, in a standing position, Ld. 54; munkr er eigi mátti standa á bænum ok reikaði, Greg. 62; standa á götu e-s, Nj. 109; standa fast, to stand fast, 92; standa frammi, to stand, be on one’s feet, Fms. vii. 85; s. fyrir dómstóli keisarans, 656 C. 19; s. fyrir manni, to stand before a man, so as to screen him, Grág. ii. 12. 115, Eg. 357: s. hjá, to stand by, metaph. to assist, Fas. ii. 501: standa nær e-m, to stand near one, metaph. to back, Nj. 76; nær standa vinir Gunnars, 88.
    2. to stay; Egill stóð meðan ok beið þeirra, Eg. 483; statt ( stop) ok trú mér, 623. 17.
    3. to stand, stick; stóðu spjót þeirra ofan frá þeim, Nj. 253; at hann standi fastr í fönninni, 84; skildinum, svá at fastr stóð í vellinum, 262; öxin stóð á hamri, i. e. went through to the back, and stuck there, 165; sveininum stóð fiskbein í hálsi, the bone stuck in his throat, Blas. 40; ef nökkurum stendr bein í hálsi, 655 ix. B. 2: absol., það stendr í e-m, it sticks in one’s throat.
    4. to stand, remain; borð stóðu, stood, were not removed, Fms. vii. 144; skála þann sem enn stendr í dag, Þórð. 58 new Ed.; svá lengi sem heimrinn stendr, Rb. 64; skyli bú yðr standa ú-rænt, Nj. 208.
    5. to stand, be seated, placed;í þeim dal stendr kirkja, Greg. 57; kirkja sú er stendr í Reykja-holti, D. I. i. 476; bær einn stóð skamt frá þeim, Eg. 230; ór þeim sal er und þolli stendr … ask veit ek standa, … stóð fyrir norðan salr, sal veit hón standa, Vsp.; Lissibón stendr á Spáni, Fms. vii. 80; Narbón stendr vid Jórsala-haf, x. 85; öll þau fylki er í hans biskups-ríki stóðu, vii. 300; Illugastaði ok Hrafnagil er standa í Laxárdal, Dipl. v. 17; standa á bók, reikningi, skrá …, [Germ. es steht geschrieben], ii. 12, 13, Bs. i, passim. II. with prepp.; standa á e-u, to stand on, insist on, persevere in; statt eigi á því er þér er bannat, Mirm.; s. á illu ráði, id.; s. á hendi e-m, Nj. 88, Grág. i. 121 (see hönd); mest mundi á fyrir-mönnum standa, Nj. 106: to stand upon, s. á lögum, Js. 41; s. á rétti sínum, … standa á dómi e-s, to stand by, abide by:—s. gegn, á móti, to withstand, Hom. 7, Fms. ii. 36, 225, x. 401:—s. af e-u, to give up, Dan. afstaae, Fb. i. 523:—s. at, to help (at-stoð); hvaðan Guðmundr stendr at, … hvaðan sem hann stendr at, Nj. 214; þeim er þaðan standa at, 193:—s. eptir, to remain, N. G. L. i. 335, Fms. ii. 231, vi. 248, Grág. ii. 301, Eg. 202, Rb. 116, Hom. 12, Stj. 422 (eptir-stöðvar = arrears):—s. fyrir, to stand before, to stand in the way of a thing, Ísl. ii. 262, Fms. vi. 61, Grág. i. 140; s. e-m fyrir þrifum, Fms. ii. 154; s. e-m fyrir gleði, vii. 162; s. e-m fyrir svefni, Gísl. (in a verse); s. e-m fyrir ljósi, to stand in the way of one’s light; láta e-t s. fyrir kaupi, Nj. 17; láta s. fyrir kviðburði, 87; ef afl hefir staðit fyrir kvið þeirra, Grág. i. 53; þat á eigi fyrir málum at s., 106; eiðr Vermundar stóð fyrir, Fbr. 22; járni á hann fyrir at standa, N. G. L. i. 342; s. fyrir með eineiði, 346:—s. í e-u, to be deeply engaged in; s. í bardögum, einvígum, málum, stórmælum, kvánbænum, etc., Eg. 486, Ld. 262, Nj. 53, 224, 227, Ísl. ii. 216; standa í ábirgð, Dipl. v. 24; s. í þjónustu, Mar.:—standa saman, to stand together, put together in one place; þar stóðu saman fé mikil, Eg. 318; stóð úmegð mörg saman, Ísl. ii. 198; þar stóð auðr mikill saman, Ld. 124: to consist, Hom. 2:—s. undir e-u, to be subject to; s. undir prófi, Dipl. i. 6; féit stendr undir honum, is in his keeping, Grág. i. 395: standa undir með e-m, to support, Sturl. i. 20; s. vel undir e-t, to support well, back, Nj. 215, Fms. vii. 125; jarl stóð vel undir hans mál, viii. 282; munu margir vel undir þat s., to back it up well, Ó. H. 52:—standa upp, to stand up from a seat, Nj. 3, Fms. i. 33, x. 401: to rise from bed, Nj. 69, Eg. 121; s. upp fyrir dag, 577; s. upp ok klæðask, Ld. 44; hann liggr sjúkr … þar er standi aldri upp, Nj. 80 (standa upp ór sótt); s. upp með e-m, to rise, join one, Sturl. ii. 203:—s. uppi, of a ship, to be laid up ashore (during the winter), Nj. 259, Ísl. ii. 273: of a corpse, to lie on the bier, Fms. ii. 257, Ám. 101: of a bow, to be kept bent, 623. 19: standa upp, to be standing, be left standing on one’s feet; færri standa upp enn fallnir eru, Fms. xi. 110; stóðu þá enn upp mjök margir á skeiðinni, many still stood up (not dead or wounded), 142; flýði allt lið er upp stóð, Eg. 33; fimm einir menn stóðu upp á skipinu, Orkn. 356 old Ed., (new Ed. 414 l. c. leaves out ‘upp’); meðan ek má upp standa ok vápnum valda, Ld. 170: standa uppi, id., Fms, viii. 139, Hkr. i. 210:—standa við e-u, to withstand, Grág. i. 1, 336 (við-staða); svá harðfengir at ekki stendr við, Nj. 271; svá mikit troll at ekki stendr við honum, Bárð. 177; þeir skutu svá hart, at ekki stóðu við hlífarnar, Fms. i. 173: to stand against, stop, hann stóð við litla stund (við-staða, a pause, halt):—standa yfir, svá lengi sem þingboð stæði yfir, lasted, Fms. ii. 216: hversu lengi skal fjárbón sjá yfir standa? Nj. 141; í þessum griðum ok svardögum sem yfir standa, which now stand, are in force, Fms. xi. 365; þar er þeirra ríki stendr yfir, extends, Eg. 344.
    B. Metaph. usage, to stand still, rest, pause; verðr hér fyrst at standa sagan, the story must stop here, Fms. vi. 56: nú skal hér standa um athæfi Varbelgja, ix. 473; skulu sóknir standa, meðan leiðangr er úti, Gþl. 486; útlegðar-sakir skulu eigi standa um várþing, Grág. i. 103; skyldi málit standa um nóttina til rannsaks, Fms. ix. 414; skal þá standa leigan í hross-verðinu, Grág. i. 434; stóð þá kyrrt nokkura hrið, Fms. xi. 397; at svá búit stæði, Nj. 139; eigi mátti svá búit s., Fms. ii. 9; standa með blóma; stendr búit með miklum blóma, Band. 2.
    2. to last; Guðs ríki stendr ei ok ei, Hom. 160; ok standa eina þrjá vetr, Sks. 323; þá sjau daga sem veizlan stóð, Stj.; en er þrjár nætr hafði veizlan staðit, Landn. 117; hafði lengi staðit bardaginn, Odd. 18; er deildir várar s. lengr, Eg. 738; stóð mikil deila milli þeirra langa hríð, Fms. x. 169; stóð þetta heimboð nokkut skeið, Nj. 81; meðan erfit stóð, Eb. ch. 54; stóð hennar hagr með þeim hætti, Bs. ii. 166:—to be valid, skal þetta testamentum s. ok haldask, Dipl. iv. 8; ok standa enn þau lög, Ver. 52; um tólf mánaðr stendr þeirra mál, Grág. i. 143; skal þat allt s. ok satt vera, 655 xxvii. 28; hans tala skal s. á fé sjálfs hans, K. Þ. K. 146; má þat eigi s. né fyrir satt halda, Stj. 31; hann mun láta s. boð þessi (stand by it), Nj. 77; þrjú kúgildi þau er standa með jörðunni, Dipl. iii. 8; ekki á Bjarkeyjar-réttr á því máli at standa, this case does not fall under the town jurisdiction, Fms. vii. 130; stendr þat mál ( it extends) um þrjá fjórðunga, Grág. i. 464.
    3. to befit, become; konungr kvað þat ekki standa, at menn lægi svá, Fms. x. 157; berr þat eigi né stendr þvílíkum, Stj. 132; hví stalt þú guðum mínum, ekki stendr þér slíkt, 181.
    4. phrases, nú stóð í stilli, see stilli; var þat boð með svá miklu kappi, at stóð í stönginni (cp. Dan. saa at det stod efter), Fms. xi. 424; standa í háska, Mar.
    5. sem inn átti dagr Jóla standi á Dróttins degi, Rb. 128; en á þeim degi stóð Ólafs messu-aptann, Hom. 111.
    II. of direction, to stand in a certain way, project, trend; fjögur horn ok stóðu fagrt, hit þriðja stóð í lopt upp, hit fjórða stóð ór enni, ok niðr fyrir augu honum, Ld. 120; geitar-horn stendr ór höfði henni, Fms. vii. 156; vápn stóðu á Birkibeini svá þykt at varla mátti hann falla, 325; gákk af bryggjunni eðr spjotið stendr á þér, 144; ella hefði spjótið staðit gegnum hann, Nj. 246; blóðbogi stóð ór hváru-tveggja eyranu, 210, Fms. vi. 419; boginn stóð inn um ræfrit, Eg. 239; kallar hann betr standa veðrit, at fara landhallt, the wind stands better for making land, Fms. x. 347; sunnan-vindr hvass ok stóð at virkinu, xi. 34; stóð gnæðingr með fjöllum, Bárð. 171; af íllsku ok úþef þeim er af stóð, Fms. iii. 128; stóð vindr af landi, Vigl. 79 new Ed.; stendr inn straumrinn, Bs. ii. 143: stóð stropinn um kyrtilinn, Clar.; standa grunnt, to be shallow; vinátta okkur stendr grunnt, Eg. 520; stóð hón alla vega jörð, touched the earth. Art.; stafir stórir ok stóðu grunn í ánni, Fb. ii. 19; örkin stóð grunn, stuck to the ground, Stj. 50, Gþl. 460, Grág. ii. 358; þrjár rætr standa; á þrjá vega undir aski Yggdrasils, Gm.; augu yður standa lengra fram, Sturl. iii. 129; finnr konungr at mikit stendr undan við hann í vinfenginu al hendi Sigvalda, Fms. xi. 106; heilræðit stóð á þenna sama sendiboða, referred to him, 433; hvaðan Guðmundr inn ríki stendr, on which side he stands, with whom he sides, Nj. 214.
    2. to proceed from, be caused by; eigi standa þin orð af litlu fári, Fas. i. 195; stóð lítil stjórn af honum, Fms. xi. 223; þótti af honum minni ógn standa, Eg. 268; e-m stendr mein, úhapp, útili, íllt, gagn, hjálp … af e-m, 175; guðin rökðu til spádóma at af systkinum þessum mundi þeim mikil mein ok úhapp standa, Edda 18, Nj. 65, Barl. 39; eigi mun svá mikit íllt af þér standa, Nj. 368; opt stendr íllt af kvenna hjali. Gísl. 15: yðr munn vandræði af standa, Nj. 175.
    3. standa til, to tend towards; nú stóð áðr til svá mikils váða, at …, Fms. vii. 144; þá stendr þó til meira geigs, xi. 275; standa til umbótar, to stand for mending, need it, Fb. ii. 234; flest frumsmíð stendr til bóta, needs mending; standa til mikils kostnaðar, D. N. ii. 18; sem bæn yður stendr til, tends to, Nj. 192; hvárt honum standi hugr til nökkurrar konu, Ísl. ii. 285; engi ván eða verðleikr stendr til at fáisk, Al. 91; sem bæn yður stendr til, Nj. 192; eptir þeim efnum sem honum þætti til standa, according to the merits of the case, Fms. vii. 60; eptir þvi sem lög stódu til, as the law stood, Nj. 146, Ld. 28; frekari álög en forn lög stæði til, Fms. xi. 224; latari enn líkendi stæði til, 256; fremr enn ritningar stóðu til, tended towards, i. e. warranted, Mar.; líta á mál hans eptir þeim efnum sem honum þætti til standa, as the merits were, Fms. vii. 60; eptir því sem lög stóðu til, Nj. 146, Ld. 28; standa til váða ok auðnar, Fms. x. 271.
    III. to catch, overtake; hann drap menn Eiríks konungs hvar sem hann stóð þá, Hkr. i. 91; var hverr drepinn þar er staðinn varð, 107; lét hann ræna hvar sem hann stóð þá, Fms. vii. 181; hörmuðu bæði at þau máttu eigi fá staðit hann, Hom. 120; ef hann er með vátta inni staðinn, Grág. ii. 18; ef maðr tekr fé manns ok vinnr þjófskap at, enda standi hinn hann (acc.) at þvi er fé þat á, svá at handnumit verðr, ok …, 136; hinum er þýfð var í höndum staðin, id.; nú stendr maðr fé sitt þjófstolit í hendi öðrum manni, Gþl. 537.
    2. to stand, i. e. to endure or bear; hverr sem fyrir-smár dómarann, ok vill eigi dóm standa, N. G. L. i. 452: to discharge, skal dæma landit þeim manni er varðveizlu stendr, to the man who stands as guardian, Grág. ii. 251; sá er vitna þarf skal standa þeim kost allan, Jb. 358.
    3. to press, urge, trouble; ef ofviðri stendr mann, N. G. L. i. 349; Alfhildi stóð sótt, Hkr. ii. 199, Stj. 425; mun þik nú hræðsla standa, Fas. iii. 429; elli stóð Hárek, Ísl. ii. 482; hver fjölskylda sem þik stendr, Fms, xi. 429; segja máttu hvat þik stendr, what urges thee. Mar.; ok vænti af þér mests trausts, því heldr sem mik stendr meirr, Fms. iii. 70; standa mik svá stórar þröngslir, at …, Stj. 495; hvat stendr þik, what ails thee? Grett. 75 new Ed.; hvat stendr þik, Bergr, sagði biskup, Bs. i. 807; því at eins at þeim (þá?) standi ofviðri, N. G. L. i. 371.
    4. to be of weight, value; skal hann eigi standa tómr meirr enn átta merkr, Gþl. 524; gullhringr stendr sex aura, mörk, Fms. ii. 246, xi. 204; strútrinn stóð tíu merkr, 77; vættir þær er hver þeirra standi hálfa níundu mörk, Gþl. 523.
    C. Reflex. to stand right, be able to stand; steðjaði hann upp yfir törguna ok stóðsk þó, Nj. 144; þar mundir þú eigi hafa staðizk fylgjur þeirra Þorvarðs, Lv. 104; hann druknaði, því hann stóðsk ekki fjölkyngi Ragnars, Bárð. 181.
    2. standask e-t, standask áhlaup, Sks. 411; höggum standask fáir, Sks. 411 B; fáir stóðusk honum, þótt fræknir væri, Grett. 87 A; gull stendsk elding, Grág. i. 501; þetta éi var með svá miklum býsnum, at ekki máttu sumir menn betr enn fá staðizk, Fms, xi. 136; var við sjálft at ek mætta eigi standask, x. 331; stóðsk hann eigi ok dó, 623. 33; hví lét Guð þeira freista, þar er hann sá at þau máttu eigi standask, Eluc. 28; at þér standisk jafnvel ef þér sjáit frændr yðra svívirða, Fms. v. 270.
    3. to stand, bear, tolerate; hann skekr at honum sverðit, þetta fá þeir eigi staðizk ok hlaupa, Ísl. ii. 364; Kári stóðsk þetta eigi, Nj. 270; Björn stóðsk eigi ámælis-orð Sigmundar, Valla L. 218; standask frýju-orð, Fær. 196.
    4. standask við e-m, to stand, be able to withstand; Heiðrekr vá með Tyrfingi ok stóðsk ekki við honum, Fas. i. 526; engi hlutr var svá sterkr at standask mætti fyrir honum. Edda.
    5. to be valid; skulut mál hans standask um þá sök, Grág. i. 64; á þeirra dómr at standask, 80; eigu jammikit þeira orð at standask, sem annarra lögréttu-manna, 10; ef þú kemr til konungsins, ok megi þín orð nokkut standask, Fms. xi. 193; hennar orð stóðusk svá mikit, at …, Fas. i. 208; um þat vilda ek at mín at kvæði stæðisk, at …, Eb. 98.
    6. of direction, to proceed from; standask af e-m, af henni mun standask allt it ílla, Nj. 49; svá stenzk af um ferð mína, the matter stands so as to my journey; Ólafr sagði jarli hversu af stóðsk um ferð hans, Ld. 112 (hversu af stóð, 340); ekki sagði Kjartan föður sínum hversu af stóðsk um ferð þessa, 208; Gautr segir honum geiniliga allt hversu af stóðsk inn ferðir hans, Fms. iii. 57; svá stendsk af um ferðir mínar, at ek má hér ekki dvelja lengr, vi. 350; eigi veit ek hvernig af stenzk (stennz) um för þína, hvárt þú ferr nökkut í konungs leyfi, Ó. H. 143.
    7. a middle form; yfir ok undir stóðumk jötna vegir, the ‘giant-ways’ ( rocks) stood above and below, Hm.; stöndumk hjörr til hjarta, the sword touches me to the heart, Fm. 1.
    II. recipr. to stand opposite one another in the same line: to meet, of ends; þat stóðsk á, nesit þvert ok fylking þeirra, Ísl. ii. 326; stóðsk þat á, at Jólin þraut ok lokit var sögunni. Fms. vi. 356; vígin Áskels ok Steingríms skyldi á standask, Rd. 281; stóðsk þat á endum ok ostkistan, Nj. 76; stóðsk þat á endum ok þat er Gunnarr; átti at gjalda, 111; létu þeir þat á endum standask, 120; standask á mót; sandmelr sá er á stendzk ok Seftjörn, Gísl. 23; bær hans stóðsk á ok konungs atsetr, Fas. ii. 63: bíða þess at á stæðisk misganga straumanna ok austan-veðr, Orkn. 266: stendzk heldr í móti með þeim hjónum, they were rather at sixes and sevens, did not agree well, Bjarn. 21: hendingar standask sem næst, to stand as close to one another as possible, Edda (Ht.); tungl þau er næst standask, nearest to one another, Rb. 34, 1812. 56.
    III. staðinn = staddr, steadfast, placed, abiding; hvar sem maðr er staðinn, N. G. L. i. 163; vildi hann nú til staðins vita ( knew for certain) hver svör jarl vildi gefa, Vígl. 18.

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  • di|ag|o|nal — «dy AG uh nuhl», noun, adjective, verb, naled, naling or (especially British) nalled, nal|ling. –n. 1. a) a straight line or plane that cuts across in a slanting direction, often from corner to corner. b) Geometry. a line connecting two… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • aslant — I. adverb or adjective Date: 14th century in a slanting direction ; obliquely II. preposition Date: 1596 over or across in a slanting direction …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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